The ULTRAsponder mission

Healthcare methodologies are constantly evolving due to the research and technology advancements in the field of sensing and monitoring, promoting the use of wearable wireless devices for clinical applications. This opens the way to promising possibilities in terms of prevention and treatment of patients requiring continuous surveillance or therapeutics.

ULTRAsponder has been conceived by a group of scientists, engineers and medical doctors who aim to develop a new system with a very high degree of acceptability for patients, allowing monitoring of critical parameters. ULTRAsponder will focus its efforts on a demonstrator devoted to chronic cardiac diseases but strives for a general solution applicable to several possible pathologies, like acute diabetes, epilepsy and other debilitating neurological disorders.
ULTRAsponder has developed exclusive and unprecedented technologies based on ultrasonic telemetry techniques, for communication between one or several sensors or stimulators deeply implanted in the human body and a control unit which is used for both recharging the implanted devices and transmitting the received information to the external world.
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ULTRAsponder was a Collaborative Project funded under the ICT priority of the FP7 programme of the European Commission.
ULTRAsponder has been coordinated by Dr. Catherine Dehollain, EPFL, Switzerland.