1st ULTRAsponder Review Meeting

On November 19th 2009 EPFL has hosted the first project Review meeting. A rehearsal Meeting was organised the day before.

ULTRAsponder Partners meeting in Neuchatel

The second partners meeting was organised by CSEM at the beginning of the project second year.
It was the right moment to state the advancements of the first year and to have the first principle of operation validation by different experiments carried out by the project partners.
In the meantime the discussion about the assessment of the project application has started with the explanation of the animal trials that will be carried on in the framework of ULTRAsponder

ULTRAsponder Partners meeting in Cargese

The first partners meeting has been organised by INSERM and held in Cargese, France.
A very interesting presentation given by an invited medical doctor has been very useful to stimulate the discussion about the application the project intends to focus on, and about the method of measuring the parameters required by the physicians.

The meeting was preceded by a first internal workshop, in which all partners have given tutorials about their particular skills and commitments.

ULTRAsponder website online

The ULTRAsponder website has gone online. As one of the primary dissemination channels, it will feature project results, links to news in the field and consortium events.